Have You Looked in a Mirror Lately?

Developmental psychologists say that babies don’t have what we would think of as self-awareness until somewhere around 18 months. When they look in a mirror, they see another baby, not themselves. Same with most animals. But eventually, we figure out that what we are seeing is really ourselves, and—interestingly enough—that’s also where the hard work of self-control begins. In some classic experiments, psychologists found that when people were placed in front of a mirror, or told that their actions were being filmed, it consistently changed their behavior. In this episode, I take a look at that research and how it can help us better regulate our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

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About eric.wilbanks

Mission: to Know God, Live for God, Love others, and Bear much fruit for His Kingdom | Dir of Brand Development, Marketing, and Communications | #WizardOfOdd

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