10 Time-Tested Ways to Manage Your Anger

Everyone feels angry from time to time: it’s a natural emotion and it’s always situational. But, just because anger is natural doesn’t make it healthy or helpful. Some plants, although 100% natural, are deadly poisonous. Anger can also be deadly, and controlling it is almost always not just important, but critical.

Of course, anger isn’t necessarily a ‘bad’ emotion; it can be useful in the right circumstances. The key is learning to CHECK your anger. So, taking that age-old advice to take a deep breath and count to ten, here are ten bits of time-tested wisdom to help you re-wire your brain, improve the way you think, and improve your life … especially when you are angry!

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About eric.wilbanks

Mission: to Know God, Live for God, Love others, and Bear much fruit for His Kingdom | Dir of Brand Development, Marketing, and Communications | #WizardOfOdd

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