The A.R.T. of Diplomacy, Part 3

This is the third and final episode in a special miniseries titled The “A–R–T” (ART) of Everyday Diplomacy. If the GOAL of diplomacy is to “Think WIN/WIN,” as Stephen Covey would say, then achieving that goal is where the ART comes in.

In the first episode, we looked at the letter A, which is the value of Active listening, why hearing and listening are NOT the same, and some practical ways to become an Active listener. In the second episode we talked about the letter R—what it means to build Rapport.

The T, the third and final letter in our ART of Everyday Diplomacy model is to use T.A.C.T.ful communications in order to achieve diplomatic relations and solutions.

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About eric.wilbanks

Mission: to Know God, Live for God, Love others, and Bear much fruit for His Kingdom | Dir of Brand Development, Marketing, and Communications | #WizardOfOdd

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