Gratitude: The One Virtue That Can Transform Your Life

I know this probably sounds like a bunch of marketing, clickbait hype, but it isn’t at all.

After 30 years of research and countless numbers of peer-reviewed studies, psychologists are finally agreeing with writers throughout the ages who argue that gratitude may very well be the most important virtue a human can have.

Now, I can’t give you a thorough account of all that research in just 10 minutes, but I can give you a peek at some of the powerful benefits of gratitude as determined by these studies, many of which were spearheaded by psychologist, author, and UC-Davis Professor Robert Emmons, considered to be the world’s leading authority on the subject of gratitude.

If you want to dive into Dr. Emmons’ research for yourself, grab a copy of his book THANKS or the follow-up Gratitude Works! from Amazon.

Join the “Let’s Say Thanks!” campaign on Facebook:

And here’s my 3-hour Thanksgiving playlist (the Spotify version)!

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About eric.wilbanks

Mission: to Know God, Live for God, Love others, and Bear much fruit for His Kingdom | Dir of Brand Development, Marketing, and Communications | #WizardOfOdd

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